

Do your friends, sweethearts and mortal enemies rove hither and thither, up and down dale and around and around? The clever boffins of the Bocrumble Forgeworks in the village of Little Osneeze have devised this clever homing device which detects scents on the wind of those whom are being hunted and shows their position on the global-pointery-stickwhizzle (illustrated). The lamps illuminate brilliantly when the quarry is within at least 12 and 3/7 miles. It was named for the adventuring butterfly-collecting husband, Tobi Von Creamy of the Forgeworks proprietress Jazza Knighthorn (a famed naturalist in her own right, with the largest collection of rare beaded lizards). The inspiration, and indeed, necessity for such a homing device came on account of a terrifying misadventure in the deepest darkest jungles of Perugia when Tobi was hunting for Yellow Rittwing Flappers (a rare form of moth) and almost fell afoul of brutish Butterfly poachers keen on depriving him of his specimens who ensnared him and left him tied to the trunk of a tree in nothing but his purple striped boxer-shorts. He was only saved by the ingenuity of the intrepid Jazza and her Tobitrotter. You can now purchase your own in a range of three gorgeous colours.