

The botanical explorer Captain Gustopher was always in hunt of new and rare plant specimens. Forests, woods, rainforest, thickets, copses all with their varied canopies drew him thither and thither. He loved a pretty orchid, or a flowering bodadapheropler. He had personally found more than one thousand new species all of which he named with the help of “Baskington’s Bumper Baby Names Book” thus around the world there were new species called the Yellow Spotted Gwendolen and the Red Tinged Hermione, florists were always in search of a Brittle-Leafed Hubert and the Royal Society of Botanical Adventurers was green with envy for his discovery of the Turquoise Rumpled Georgiana. All of this was of course made much easier with the help of ‘Giffy’ his specially adapted Gyraphatrulker which enabled him to inspect canopies of even the highest Burtlebark trees or the most diminutive Caroolian Shrub.